California Department of Education A logo depicting elements of public education. A globe, a student at school, a computer lab, and a  school bus
César E. Chávez with Navajo Community College Student and Ben Booth at Canyon De Chelly
Photo by Glen Pearcy
César E. Chávez
Social Justice and Civil Rights

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César Chávez Day

Model Curriculum And Resources

Resources for the Public

Research Center

  The Plan of Delano
  Plan for the liberation of the farm workers associated with the Delano Grape Strike in the State of California, seeking social justice in farm labor with those reforms that they believe necessary for their well-being as workers in these United States.
  plan of delano.pdf
  Hartmire Remarks at Farm Worker Rally, 4/10/66
  “Until I resigned two (2) weeks ago I was a member of the California State Social Welfare Board, closely associated with Governor Brown’s efforts to eradicate poverty. His absence today, for whatever reason — and the Governor should know that he is not the only one who is accustomed to spending Easter Sunday with his family — his absence today makes a joke of the efforts to eradicate poverty among farm workers.”
  Copy (4) of 4-+Background+Material_b.pdf
  The UFW in Texas, File 2
  Farmworkers ask help against “terror campaign”. Texas farmworkers who struck the Rio Grande Valley’s second largest onion grower for a month—driving up wages but failing to win union recognition—have asked for help in countering what they call a “terror campaign” being waged against them.
  Cesar Chavez Talks in New York, 1968
  “We are not in the age of miracles, and yet it is surprising that we can attract, and keep, and increase the type of support that is needed to keep our economic struggle going for 33 months. It is a struggle in which the poorest of the poor and weakest of the weak are pitted against the strongest of the strong. We are fighting not against the family farm, not against agriculture, but against agribusiness.”
  Community Service Organization, File 1
  Announcement of formation of CSO in California and reports on progress of the CSO. Includes a list of committee functions, a CSO brochure and a draft of a voter literacy test letter.
  A Dialogue with Congress 10/01/1969, File 3
  “I would just give you one example of the caliber of justice we get in the Kern County Superior Court. Last August 22nd I went to the Kern Country Agricultural Commissioner who keeps records of commercial pesticide applicators, the accounts of poisons that they use and when they use them. I went to the Commissioner to see these reports. He told me to come back the next day. Two hours after I left the office, the Kern County Superior Court issued an injunction forbidding me to see the records. We have been engaged in a battle for over a year to see those records.” Mr. Jerome Cohen
  8-7 Speech A Dialogue with Congress cl_c.pdf

California Department of Education
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